
Learning Costdf
Playing Costdf
Suggested Phasesd
Mechanical Engineer Industrial Design Systems Engineer Electrical Engineer Production Engineer Software Engineer
f sdf f s adf asd
Technique and Issue Views
BusinessNeeds Stakeholder Stakeholder Needs System Requirements System Strcuture Architecture
asd fsda f af g
System Functional Architecture Detail Hardware Design Detail Software Design Detail Software Design Manufacturing Operations
afg a fdsg sda sd
Technique Traits
Identify Stakeholders Elicit Needs Remove Ambiguity Layman's Terms Technical Terms Teamworkings
af sadf sdaf asd f
Traceability Priotizing Exploring Breadth Inside the Box Outside the box V&V
sdaf asd f asdf sdaf sad
Verification and Validation
Revised Documentation Physical/Software Approx & Functional Physical/Software Non-functional Physical/Software “Final” Functional Simulation Calculation
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URL Review Level